Saturday, April 6, 2013


Rockin Rocks
 This week we began our rock unit.  I purchased the rock unit from Tunstalls Teaching Tidbits.  My students really rocked on this week!  
 Photo of student doing a scratch test on a rock.
 After the scratch test we cut the page and inserted it into our science journals.
My Bulletin board.  I love it!  All of the ideas came from the rock unit.  I created the title.
A Student in my class brought some super neat, colorful rocks from home.  Here she is graphing her results.
One of our rock pets. 
On a side note, I made Easter cookies and icing from scratch.  Looks pretty good! (kinda)


  1. This is amazing!!! I am so thrilled to see another class enjoying the rock unit. You have totally made my weekend! Thank you so much!

  2. You are very welcome! Thanks for the ideas!

  3. How have I not noticed the new bulletin board??

  4. Sharon, that's because you have been too busy putting up your cute spring birds!
